Saturday, May 22, 2010

It Was a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

Mister Rogers would have been so pleased!

::Moment of silence::

Though thunder and tornadic storms had been forecasted for Savannah and surrounding regions, I awoke to Mr. Golden Sun shining in through my windows! Excellent luck - it was perfect weather for a photo shoot!

Beautiful Monterey Square and the surrounding buildings (like the Mercer House) made for an awesome backdrop full of rich colors and textures - lots of brick, ivy, Spanish moss, wrought-iron, steps, columns, and even a scaffolding! I would love to share photos but you'll have to wait until I receive the finished products from the photographer!

Tip: when applying makeup for a special occasion where you plan on being photographed, take extra care in strategizing your look. Although you may be wearing a full face of makeup in reality, the photographed result will likely appear to be minimal. For eye makeup, opt for darker colors extended farther than you would normally wear and consider false lashes for optimum effect. When in doubt, take a picture of yourself pre-event so that you have time to touch-up if your makeup disappears in the photo.

Goodnight, Sweetheart!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittany,
    Thought you might be interested in this
